
Technical advices, Rubber compound mixing, Rubber product manufacturing facilities and R&D etc. are available at this section.

The earlier Rubber Division has been revamped with a state of the art Centralized Mixing Plant (Inter mixer).

This was commissioned under the Cluster Development Programme with financial assistance to the tune of about Rs.2.4 crore by way of grant from the DC (SSI), Central Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises.

This has facilitated bulk processing and mixing of rubber compounds with uniform and consistent quality. Over hundred entrepreneurs in and around the industrial estate are utilizing the facility.

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Plastics have become common materials of our everyday lives.Many of their properties, such as durability, versatility and light-weight, can be a significant factor in achieving sustainable development. CFSC is dedicated to give various technical services in the area of Plastics.

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Shortage of trained man power in various fields is one of the major issues faced by industries today. CFSC is committed to provide trained manpower in the area of Rubber, Plastics and Light Engineering. As part of training we used to conduct various training programme/courses every year. Other than general programme/courses, we also undertake special training programme on request.

Common Facility Service Centre is Certified with ISO 9001 : 2008 (Certificate No. 139676-2013-AQ-IND-RvA) in the year of 2013.

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Tool Room

We provide costly machinery for service to existing and upcoming entrepreneurs for their product development. We also undertake designing and fabrication of Moulds and dies suitable for the production of Rubber and Plastic products. Our other services includes technical advices and work related to general and light engineering.

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A well equipped Testing Laboratory is available at the centre for conducting various physical and chemical tests on rubber, plastic and other related chemicals. These facilities are absolutely essential for rubber product development, problem solving in existing industries, research promotion, research scholars, postgraduate projects in polymers, etc. The laboratories also used for inter laboratory tests with other reputed laboratories like Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam.

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